Friday, January 11, 2013

Blackfriars Bridge

This impressive 995 foot structure was built inexpensively, still stands today, and provides a panorama of views for the everyday London citizen. This bridge made of Portland stone, was meant to be traveled both by carriage and by foot as it had walkway and traditional roadways which would allow for people like Jo to travel across the River Thames into the other parts of London. The sheer structure contains 9 different elliptical arches with the center arch ranging 100 feet wide.  The bridge provides such a great view of St. Paul’s Cathedral that there were often times many people studying the cathedrals magnificent beauty right from the arches of this bridge. This seems to be a place that Victorians could go to bask in the raw beauty of the structures along the river as well as the river itself. Let’s not forget the importance of the bridge as a travel venue used by the people of London from all classes and backgrounds, they all had to cross the bridge, their individual reasons were left up to them.
- Josh Porter

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